Hail all avid clubbers, fashionistas, designers, drag queens and the likes (you know what I mean) October is Halloween month. By now, you all should be cracking your heads on what will be THE COSTUME for this year's Hell Night. Start sourcing fabrics @ Arab Street, Spotlight or People's Park or yuppies with deeper pockets, pls settle for some quick fixes @No. 1 Costume (was it already defunct?)
Anyway, I do not have friends who really fancy the thought of partying on Hell Night in outrageous outfits. My halloweens were last spent with D and K in Zouk. As I belong to the 'avid clubbers' or 'fashionista' category, and would really immerse myself into getting my act together for Hell Night. In 2002, I was:

A Pink Genie from "I Dream of Jeannie" of a 1965 flick. Then, in 2003, I was:

My parents should have named her Rudolf......